So you’re reached but your probably asking “whats your story”. In order to do that we need to go back in time a few years (okay maybe a decade or so). My name is Luc Arnold, and I currently run, so when I use the words “us” I mean “me”. Now that I’ve got that out of the way its time for that trip back in history to about 2001 when I developed my first website. By 2001 standards it was a success, I spent a few years after that building and designing various websites and one the most common issues I came across time and time again is people saying “My web designer ripped me off” or “my web designer wasn’t experienced enough to deliver the project on time or scope”.
A few years later I started to interview some of the best web designer around the world and showcase their work. I’ve always enjoyed learning about computers, art and design so it was a natural fit. But again the questions always came back to “how do i hire a good web designer”, “which hosting provider do you recommend?”, “what technology should I build my site with? “and the questions continued to play in the back of head. Review sites are nothing new by any means but my goal for is to make it an authority site where people can come and see reviews of web designers and design products to help them make an informed decision on which direction to go. Whether you are looking to make a decision on a web hosting company, a managed service or a new ecommerce platform I hope you enjoy the information here.
SIDE NOTE: If you are trying to make a decision on which web technologies you need to run your business I recommend hiring a consultant/partner to review your current technology stack and make recommendations based on how you want to grow your business.